Creative Learners

Stories of inspiration and success from people with Dyslexia, ADD, or other learning differences

All proceeds from the sale of the book benefit the Creative Learners Project. In addition, due to a generous donation, a copy of the book is available for personnel in each of the 2300 Communities in Schools partner schools.



For a child with learning differences, success may seem impossible.

In stumbling through traditional lessons taught by teachers who don’t understand students who learn creatively, children doubt their own competence and ability to be successful. However, with the right support and learning strategies, students with learning differences are more than capable of achieving anything and everything they dream for themselves.

  • “... All students—especially those who learn differently—need special people in their lives who let them know that they are capable of success and support them along their unique paths. These powerful stories will encourage and inspire struggling students, as well as those who work with them, as they seek their own creative ways to learn and achieve.”

    Doro Bush Koch Honorary Chair - Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy


“Creative Learners” shines light on the stories of those who have overcome their learning obstacles and gone on to live fulfilling and accomplished lives.

Written by students, parents, and teachers, these stories inspire and ignite hope in those who continue to struggle through the traditional education system. “Creative Learners” is an invaluable resource for anyone who feels held back by their learning differences and unable to succeed.

  • “While reading Creative Learners, my first thought was how do we get a Selma Ridgway in every public school, so we can show every student with a ‘learning difference’ ways to thrive and to love school? My 13,000 colleagues running America’s school systems will feel just like I did when they read these inspiring, real-life stories from students, parents, and teachers ....”

    Daniel A. Domenech Executive Director - American Association of Schools


Who is this book for?


“Things might be harder for you today, but one day, you will be able to do things nondyslexic people cannot. Never give up, and you will not be defeated.”

— Jeffrey, parent of a student with learning differences


“Students must discover, often by trial and error, the techniques and strategies that work best for them. Yes, it takes work and determination, but that effort can be the beginning of living successfully with, and not in spite of, a learning difference.”

— Henry, Teacher


“Recognizing my strengths and using them to manage my weaker areas has led to a successful and satisfying life, both personally and professionally.”

— Lee Harris


Creative Learners Project

The Creative Learners Project is a subsidiary of the ReadSource which operates under the Schenck School. The mission of the Project is to both inspire and provide hope to students who possess various learning differences while also supporting teacher and parents.

The goal is to empower teachers to address learning differences from an early identification thus encouraging students to remain in school and develop successful careers.

The Creative Learners Project has targeted Communities in Schools (CIS) as a benefactor of resources as they come available. Working directly with 2,300 schools in 25 states and the District of Columbia, Communities in Schools builds relationships that encourage students to stay in school and complete their education. The CLP will use the proceeds from the sale of the book Creative Learners and donations to provide needed training for CIS personnel. The mission of CIS is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.



Selma Ridgway

During her 30+ year career, Selma Ridgway has worked with many students diagnosed with ADD/ADHD/LD to help them understand themselves by discovering their unique strengths and gifts. Today she continues to champion children of all ages by providing life coaching services designed to help empower our country’s greatest assets. Her personal mission is to help children discover their individual strengths, accept and manage weaknesses, and move forward to enjoy a fulfilled life.

Selma holds a Master’s of Arts Degree in Educational Counseling and a Master’s of Mathematics Education Degree. She is a Certified School Counselor, and a Certified Professional Co-active Coach. She is also a member of the ADHD Coaches Organization, the Association of Tutoring Professionals, the Georgia Coaches Association, International Coach Federation, and Edge Foundation Coach. Selma lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • “Growing up in the segregated south with dyslexia and attention deficit disorder, my escape was facilitated by compassionate and thoughtful teachers like Selma Ridgway, who recognized that different is not a disability, but rather simply a challenge. Creative Learners offers a comprehensive roadmap for teachers who often struggle with overcrowded classrooms, inadequate facilities, and students who may be unaware of their learning differences. This invaluable resource, told through the prism of students, parents, and teachers, can remarkably reshape the educational paradigm, inspiring many who have been abandoned because they did not fit into a system. Imagine a world where educators utilize differences to motivate students to achieve—Selma Ridgway has opened a portal to that world and we should embrace it forcefully. As Ambassador to the United Nations, I traveled the world and preached the Gospel of education as the most potent antidote to poverty, racism, and conflict. This marvelous book will be an effective tool for uplifting our ‘different children.’”

    Andrew Young Ambassador
ReadSourceCreative Learners